“The Great Verdah Plains: nearly two thousand miles of magnificent monotony—no matter where you look, it’s all just grass. Sparse forests in the river valleys (of which there are only a couple) feel like a celebration, and spotting a mesa on the horizon nearly made me jump for joy—finally, a change in scenery!
Still, credit must be given to the locals: they don’t let you get bored. Over the course of several months traveling through Verdah, I was nearly flayed alive eight times, attacked twice by a steppe griffon, almost trampled by a herd of wild talards, and as for how many times I had to fight off steppe jackals and other curious creatures—I lost count.
As you might have guessed, I am not a fan of arid steppes. But if you happen to enjoy the scent of talard sweat, the whistle of the wind, endless horizons, and cities (or rather, encampments) of barbarians, you’ll love it.
P.S. Varmego is overrated: dirty, noisy—aside from the Shield district, there’s nothing worth seeing.
P.S.S. I never did see the flying whale, Tensur. Quite disappointing.”
Here and throughout, I present excerpts from the epochal work “Notes on Taliskarn, Its Wonders, and the Creatures That Inhabit This World.”
In the heart of the continent of Malkona, the vast Verdah Plains stretch from the Scarred Lands of Bruna in the west nearly to the shores of the Warm Sea in the east. Water is scarce, forests grow only along major rivers and lakes, and more often than not, from horizon to horizon, all one sees is a rolling sea of grass, endlessly swayed by ceaseless winds. However, the closer one gets to the northern foothills, the more frequently mesas—”the teeth of the earth,” which have withstood the mighty breath of Kaelesta—rise from the steppe.
Work in Progress
This page is a work in progress. Most likely, as content is refined and expanded, it will be divided into three separate sections: forests, plains, and coastline. These are vastly different regions in terms of atmosphere and themes, but for now, they are grouped together for ease of work.
The Verdah Plains
Across the copper-red plains migrate herds of giant bison—tauroks—and swift-footed antelope—talards. Blue-winged falcons circle the skies over Verdah, while steppe griffons nest atop the mesas, and near the rare lakes and watering holes, packs of grass jackals prowl, waiting for prey. Sometimes, in the distant heights, a flying whale, Tensur—the lingering symbol of the long-lost Age of Wonders—can be seen drifting lazily above the steppe. The proud Arydars call these vast lands their home.
Key Themes and Ideas of the Verdah Plains
- The plains belong to nomadic tribes: barbarian lands, arid and open to the relentless winds.
- Ancestor worship, brutal customs, extensive use of bones and tanned hides (including from sentient beings) for all manner of purposes.
- Constant migration of all living things.
- Large fauna: stone bulls, Mesa Griffons, etc.
- Mysteries of nature: lost lands atop the mesas, deep caves beneath them, forgotten burial mounds scattered across the steppe.
- Adventures centered on interacting with the barbarians, their culture and traditions, hunting, raiding caravans (everyone loves raiding caravans!).
The Forests of Verda
The forests of central Malkona—those in the northern foothills and along the banks of major rivers and lakes. These lands are home to the pale-skinned people of the Saltuars.
Core Themes and Ideas of the Forests of Verda
- The forests are inhabited by the Saltuars—pale-skinned, secretive, and cautious people who worship spirits.
- A druidic aesthetic blending Slavic and Shinto motifs.
- A variety of spirits, ranging from playful and mischievous to dangerous, grim, and outright cruel.
- Adventures align with this: searching for hidden settlements, discovering “places of power,” forging pacts with spirits, and unraveling the mysteries of nature’s wonders.
The Coast of Verda
The entire southern stretch, from the canyons of “Solkalor’s Trail” to the savannas of Bruna. These lands are fertile enough to support a sedentary life of fishermen and farmers. Most of the cities of the Prymars—the most culturally advanced of the human peoples—are also located here.
Core Themes and Ideas of the Coast of Verda
- The heart of civilization in central Malkona: almost feudal, resembling a proper state. Warmego, in particular, is a respectable and rapidly developing city.
- Seafaring and reverence for the Ocean.
- Adventures from the plains and forests apply here as well, with an added layer of urban intrigue and a slightly more advanced level of culture.
Notes on the Margin
The Verda region still lacks detail for now. I really like the Saltuars and their spirit-filled forests—everything feels solid there. As for the plains, I love the envisioned aesthetic—I can clearly picture these vast steppes and feel their atmosphere—but I have yet to pinpoint a distinctive “hook” for adventures. It’s a work in progress. The same goes for the coast: beyond Warmego, which is well-developed, it currently feels too basic and lacking in uniqueness. Maybe that’s fine, but I’ll be thinking about this region a lot more.