Over the past week:
Website updates
I cleaned up the Russian version of the website: removed completely empty pages, fixed most of the internationalization bugs, added table of contents and spoilers to articles, and updated page info to match the latest state of things. In short, the site is now ready for public launch.
Drew non-human races
Created concepts for Kyonnhs, Flammars, Noctids, plus as a bonus, a Prymar (sounds kinda weird, actually) and an Arydari. They’re all on their respective pages now, published and looking great (according to my mom, at least!).
Prepared the “Scarred Lands” section
You can check it out here. This is the level of detail I’m aiming for with all regions at this phase – and all peoples will get a similar treatment. I’m open to feedback and critique.
Jotted down a bunch of notes on other regions
Monsters, wonders, quirks, flavors, and so on. Some places are clear and well-defined in my mind, others are still a bit foggy – that’s just how it goes.
Still learning to draw
Finished the theory part of the “Character Drawing” course once, practiced drawing faces. Now I’ve gone back to the start of the course and structured my learning: I’m studying anatomy in parallel (hoping to get a basic grasp in 2-3 months), working on gestures (not making any predictions here), and dabbling with color (just for fun, in the evenings). And I’ll occasionally draw something for Taliskarn at my current level – sketch concepts, that sort of thing. But the focus remains on learning: I want to reach a decent skill level by mid-summer, when I plan to be close to publishing a novella or the first Taliskarn adventure.
Started an Instagram. Will be posting art and progress there.
Plans for the coming week
- Prepare the English version of the site
- Publish the website (literally today or tomorrow).
- Invite friends and folks I’ve played DnD with over the years.
- Develop the next region. Currently working on the Warm Sea, but who knows where I’ll end up – I jumped from the Sea to Bruna too, after all.
- Keep learning to draw.
- And, of course, work isn’t going anywhere (plus the DnD campaign I’m running – I haven’t forgotten about you guys, I promise!).
That’s about it. Stay tuned!