
Taliskarn is a fictional world-building project currently in active development. According to my grand plans, Taliskarn is set to receive the following content:

We’ll see how it all turns out.

About the Author

Orthan Thundy, creator of the Taliskarn project

My name is Dmitrii Sosnin. My players know me better as Fortan or Thunda (it’s more like “Tkhunda”, but who cares), but I like using different versions of my pseudonyms for different creative projects. That’s why I sign Taliskarn as Orthan Thundy.

A guy, 32 years old (as of March 2025), who has been passionate about fantasy since childhood—devouring books, playing games, and then writing short stories, getting into MtG, discovering D&D… and, well, rolling down the slippery slope :). In TTRPGs, I quickly realized that my place wasn’t so much at the table as behind the GM screen—I absolutely love creating worlds, stories, and characters, then watching my ideas come to life in my players’ eyes as they weave their own narratives in my setting. This project is my attempt at a magnum opus in this genre, my way of expressing accumulated ideas and putting nearly 20 years of experience to work.

I’m here to write an ode to my love for fantasy, TTRPGs, and D&D in particular. I’m trying to create Taliskarn. Join me—as an audience, a consultant, a critic, or an active participant!

Project Development Chronicle

A record of milestones and plans that have become reality.

The Distant Past


Winter 2025

Spring 2025

Future Plans

Here’s what I still plan to do and in what order.

Note: All dates below are my hopes and goals, not fixed deadlines.

Spring-Summer 2025

Fall 2025

Winter 2026

Project Support

Right now, I’m mostly working on Taliskarn alone, relying on my love for this project, patience, diligence, and other positive words. Given that my current budget consists of two cups of coffee and a sandwich, I can’t afford to hire anyone at the moment, but if you’re interested in what I’m doing, I’d be grateful for any kind of participation:

So, if for some reason you’ve read this far and feel drawn to the project – or if you just have something to say to the author – all links to our resources and my contact details are below. I’d deeply appreciate any advice, feedback, or recommendations. Thank you.

Links to all project resources:

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